Tuesday, 14 May 2013

where have I been?


Sorry, it's been a while! Along with life and all the usual excuses, there has been a reason for my absense on Polway:


I've decided to make the jump to wordpress, which has been a longer and more complicated process than I initially thought. I am, however, just about there, and you can find Polway at the new and exciting address:

If you already follow me via bloglovin' then you guys should automatically be migrated in the near future. If, however, you follow me via google friend connect, then I'd greatly appreciate it if you could follow me on bloglovin instead. Or you can follow me on twitter or facebook. Or if you're sick of my ramblings then that's also fine and I'll understand!
So you can find me here:

Sorry for the short and concise post, regular shall be resuming ASAP over on the new site; thanks for bearing with me!


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